Today my guest is Ashe Barker. Her new time travel romance is hot, hot, HOT! That's why it's at the top of Amazon's Historical Erotica list.
Hi Kallista. Thank you so much for
inviting me over to your blog today. It’s great to be here, and I’m so happy to
have an exciting new book to chat about.
Shared by the Highlanders was a dream to write, bringing together several of my favourite
erotic romance themes - time travel, ménage, and of course a pair of super hot,
sexy highlanders.
There’s something deeply engaging for me in
the idea that a person can be pulled forward or backward in time, finding
themselves in an environment which is the same, yet alien. It underscores, I
suppose, how much our world changes in a relatively short space of time, yet
some things remain timeless.
For an erotic author time travel is just a perfect combination, a blend of historical fantasy with the liberations that allows around such complications as corporal punishment, with a dose of fantasy/sci fi thrown in. I read lots of time travel stories, whenever I can get my hands on them in fact. Usually the main characters end up going back in time, though not always of course. In Shared by the Highlanders it works both ways – the heroine slips back to sixteenth century Scotland, then returns to her own time, with two rugged highlanders in tow. Those were some of the most fun scenes to write – imagine two fierce warriors from the Court of Mary Queen of Scots trying to make sense of a motor way service area, air travel, a lift in a high-rise block of flats.
Here’s the blurb…
Will Sinclair and Robbie MacBride discover that their captive is in fact a
woman—and quite a beautiful one at that—there is only one thing to be done. She
must be punished for her deception, and punished thoroughly. A switch applied
to her bare bottom does the job well, and soon enough the two men are
comforting Charlene as she nurses her bright red, sore backside.
learning that the highlanders are hand-carrying an important message from
Elizabeth of England to the court of Mary, Queen of Scots, it finally dawns on
Charlene that she is no longer in her own time. Though she is desperate to find
a way home, Will and Robbie are both unlike any man she has ever met, and their
unabashed dominance awakens in her a powerful need to submit. Soon enough, she
finds herself blushing with shame and quivering with desire as she is taken
long and hard by two rugged highlanders at once. But can these hardened
warriors keep her safe from the perils of a world far more dangerous than the
one she left behind?
Publisher’s Note: Shared by the Highlanders is an erotic romance novel that includes spankings,
sexual scenes including threesomes, anal play.
of course I have an excerpt to share. In this snippet Charlie is just being
reminded of the consequences of disobedience.
I mention, that's a very fetching dress, wee Charlie? Elspeth did you proud." Will's lip
quirks as he pours each of us a generous goblet of wine from the flagon which
had been left in Robbie's room
I do
a quick twirl, enjoying the unfamiliar sensation as the fabric brushes against
my legs. Never especially interested in fashion, I'm usually a jeans or
miniskirt sort of a girl. Nevertheless I love my new outfit. It feels feminine
and sort of right, for here. Maybe I'm acclimatising to my new situation. Just
a bit.
you need assistance in getting out of it?" Helpful as ever, Robbie grins
at me from his vantage point propped up against his pillows. This room is about
twice the size of mine so I think Will was probably correct in assuming Robbie
would have been afforded the best accommodations. The bed is huge, a fact I
daresay we will all be glad of before much longer.
appreciate the offer. "Yes, I think I may. It sort of ties at the back, I
think. I don't have enough hands..."
saunters across the room to pass Robbie his wine. "Leave the dress for
now, we'll come to that soon enough. For now, I think we'd both appreciate it
if you'd consent to lie across the bed, face down, and raise your skirts
decent spanking seems in order, given that you totally disregarded our clear
instructions not to speak out and betray our somewhat perilous situation.” Will
pauses to peer at me. “You look a little pale, would you like a sip of wine,
Charlie?" He offers me a goblet, which I take though I don't drink from
Elspeth is a friend. She doesn't count." I'm looking from one to the
other, bewildered and more than a little scared. I hadn't expected this.
shifts, and I see to my dismay that he is removing the leather belt securing
his kilt. "It is indeed fortunate for you that she is a friend. A good
friend, of mine at least and now yours too though she remains somewhat hostile
to her one-time betrothed here. She has an unforgiving nature, does Elspeth,
and it's best not to rile her. However the point remains, you had instructions
which you choose to disregard. Hence, a spanking."
as I quake at the prospect of what's coming, my pussy spasms and starts to
moisten. It would seem I'm discovering my inner pain slut. Still, this is
unjust and some protest seems in order. "But, surely you can't be angry
with me. Not truly. Not for that."
quirks his lip in a sexy grin. "Do we look angry to you? Either of
no, not angry exactly."
Robbie's correct, you do need to be cautious, but it seems not around Elspeth,
as you so rightly point out. I wish I could say the same for myself.” He gives
a rueful toss of his head. “But you weren’t to know that when you were so free
with your tongue and it’s clear you have a lesson to learn. We’ll see to that,
then if you show proper contrition we might proceed to an entirely different
sort of spanking, one far more to your liking." Will tilts his chin
towards the bed, which Robbie has now vacated. "Your skirts, Charlie.
Around your waist if you please."
Ashe's Bio:
I’ve been an
avid reader of fiction for many years, erotic and other genres. I still love
reading, the hotter the better. But now I have a good excuse for my guilty
pleasure – research.
I tend to draw
on my own experience to lend colour, detail and realism to my plots and
characters. An incident here, a chance remark there, a bizarre event or quirky
character, any of these can spark a story idea.
When not
writing – which is not very often these days - my time is divided between my
role as resident taxi driver for my teenage daughter, and caring for a
menagerie of dogs, rabbits, tortoises.
And a very grumpy cockatiel.
I have twenty
four (at the last count) titles on general release with publishers on both
sides of the Atlantic, and I have several more in the pipeline. All my books
feature BDSM. I write explicit stories, always hot, but they offer far more
than just sizzling sex. I like to read about complex characters, and compelling
plots, so that’s what I write too. Strong, demanding Doms are a given, often
paired with new submissives who have a lot to learn.
I have a pile
of story ideas still to work through, and keep thinking of new ones at the most
unlikely moments, so you can expect to see a lot more from me.
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