I'm so excited that readers are enjoying my new release Bared and Tamed. It's been on three Top 100 Lists on Amazon, including Top Romantic Erotica and after a month, it's still one of Amazon's Top 100 BDSM Erotica best sellers. Rylie is one of my favorite heroines and her story was so much fun to write.
My characters tell me about themselves little by little over the course of a book and Rylie was fascinating to get to know. Here's what one reviewer had to say about her:
★★★★★ SH @ Amazon.com "Click and Buy, Seriously!!"
is one seriously hot book! A fantastic plot concept and it is so well
written, I could just imagine it happening in real life. Rylie made me
laugh, seriously makes you think about drinking too much alcohol, and I
just loved Neill. It took Rylie a while to realize that Neill was not
the typical man that she was used to dealing with and oh, was it fun to
watch her come to that realization! Loved this book ! Buy Bared and Tamed at Amazon