Today I have the pleasure of hosting Patricia Green, bestselling author of the hottest, most exciting erotic romances you'll ever read. She's here to explain why the great bargains on those pirated book sites may give your computer a CTD (That's cyber-transmitted disease - my own acronym for a computer virus you can catch reading unprotected sex stories!)
But first, let's hear a little about her newest release - Rescued By The Spy
Kidnapped and kept as a sex slave...Could there be a worse time for Nina Stanley, O’Malley’s old flame, to show up in Ligeia as a kidnap victim? Sure, he wants to save her, but his job is to crush Laricon's slave trade and vicious rise to power.
The young and beautiful "spare"...Muddying the waters is Michael’s need to fit in and partake of the succulent fruits on Laricon’s human slave tree--including Alyssa, a willing sex slave he's forced to take as his own. Now he has two women counting on him, and the fate of a world.
Nina's goal is to get out...No matter what it takes. Nina is appalled by what she experiences in Ligeia at the hands of the evil Laricon, but what if the price of her freedom is Michael's life? Can she live with herself if that happens?
Can an undercover spy save the women he loves without blowing his cover? SF Erotic Romance
Kallista: Tell us about those pirated book sites that sound like such a great deal.
Patricia: Never buy a book from a resource other than the main online distributors. If the site is a pass-through site (taking you to Amazon or Barnes & Noble, All Romance eBooks, the original publisher's site, or another big distributor), then it's okay. But if the site is giving away the book for free off their servers, or they're charging a ridiculously low price that's different from Amazon and will be downloaded from non-Amazon servers, you've landed on a pirate site.
These pirates are thieves. They buy or somehow obtain a PDF copy of a writer's book and then re-sell it or give it away for free. This might sound like a real deal to the average reader, but when you consider the amazing viruses attached to these pirated books, it isn't so appealing. Plus, the books are stolen. There is no pretty word to attach to it. It's theft. If you partake of these offerings, you are just as much a thief as the pirate.
Please don't obtain books illegally. All writers copyright their work, and that does not give anyone else the right to copy the book without written permission. You are taking money right out of an author's pocket. How would you feel if someone walked up to you and reached into your purse to take out a dollar bill. Sure, you might have other dollar bills, but that thief would tell other thieves, and soon all your dollar bills would be going out faster than coming in. That's what happens to authors when they're pirated.
Kallista: I never knew those pirated books might carry viruses! Sounds like Karma at work to me. Here's a safe, legal snippet for everyone from your latest release -
Suddenly, the open door to the outer chamber was filled with Jerold Laricon, himself. The women quickly scuffed back their chairs, opened their bodices to expose their breasts, and prostrated themselves on the floor. Nina viewed this with a gimlet eye, and instead, stood up and faced him. He took in the scene before him with a benevolent expression, walking softly to Nina.
“You have not been trained yet, I know,” he said. “So I will take a moment to instruct you myself.”
He looked her over then reached for the front of her robe. “These catches,” he said, pulling them apart, “are meant to open quickly so that you may bare yourself and show the proper subservience to free males—all free males.” He gazed hotly at her full breasts. “Any free
male you encounter will expect you to reverence him so.”
His hands slid over her breasts and cupped them. “However, you are my property. Is that clear?”
She nodded, her flesh squirming. “Yes, sir.”
He smiled, his yellow, crooked teeth showing. “And once those pretty tits are bared, you are to get down on your knees and lower your eyes. You will not seek the eyes of any free man, nor look at him unless you are spoken to. Is that also clear?”
Nina’s teeth ground together as she considered the debasing ritual. “Yes, sir.”
“I can see in your eyes that you consider it humiliating for women to respond to men this way.” His hands continued caressing her breasts, her nipples rising against his palms despite her loathing. “But women have risen above their station over the last millennia, and here in Ligeia, we are doing our best to correct that sociological error. I assure you the women are much happier, knowing their place. And, eventually, you will enjoy humbling yourself before me.”
He took her chin in hand and forced her to look up at him. “Now, get down on your knees, press your pretty nipples to the floor, and kiss my boots.”
Nina swore at him in her mind, growled softly to show her displeasure, but obeyed. The hard, cold marble of the floor against her nipples brought a chilly determination to her heart. She stayed down after kissing his black hide boots, afraid her expression would betray more fury than he would allow.
“Well done,” he proclaimed. “Ladies.”
He turned and left, as the women—except for Nina—exclaimed, “Hail Ligeia!” in his wake.
Appetite lost, Nina closed her robe, got back into her chair, and somehow made it through the meal in silence. The man hadn’t even bothered to remember her name.
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Bestselling author, Patricia Green, is a full-time fiction writer specializing in erotic romance. She provides the reader with love stories that emphasize fun characters with quirky personalities. Patricia is the author of more than 20 published novels and novellas as well as an ever-growing collection of short stories.
In her personal life, Patricia is married and the mother of twins. When she’s not being the angel of domestic harmony and a semi-crazed creator of fictional friends, she loves to read, crochet, knit and watch hockey and baseball.
You can reach Patricia Green in the following ways:
Email: pig (at) patriciagreenbooks (dot) com
Twitter: @PatriciaIGreen
Thanks for having me here today, Kallista!