Today I'm welcoming Rayanna Jamison to share a bit about herself, why she wants to dress up as Lucy Ricardo, and her hot new spanking romance The Bishop's First Bride.
Rayanna: I would love to go as Lucy from I love Lucy. She’s a redhead, and I love the classic 50’s style. I feel like it would be secretly be paying homage to my spanko tendencies.
Kallista: Secret spanko tendencies, huh? Now you know why I consider it a terribly insightful question. Look what a naughty thing I got you to reveal! Be careful. The next one is a trick question. If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
Rayanna: That’s an easy one. Patty Devlin.
Kallista: Okay, you didn't say me, but Patty is a great answer. She's a dear friend and she's been a mentor to so many of us. Now please tell us a bit about your new book:
But becoming the Bishop's Wife is harder than Rosa anticipated. She struggles to transform herself into
the perfect Bishop's Wife that her husband needs.
Lucas misses the real Rosa . Somewhere between getting
married, and becoming the future Bishop's wife, his beloved wife has lost part of herself. Lucas knows that a good, old fashioned spanking is exactly what Rosa needs to help her find balance in her unrealistic expectations of what the perfect wife should be.
But, try as he might, that balance doesn't come easily for Rosa , and it certainly didn't help that her high school nemesis kept popping up and making trouble.
Will Lucas help her realize that all he wants is for his wife to be happy? Can Rosa pull herself together enough to become the Bishop's First Wife?
Here's a little snippet:
He crossed to the bed and sat, calling her over to stand before him.
“Are you ready?”
Rosa nodded shyly, and he saw no sense in drawing it out. He positioned her over one knee, so that her top half was on the bed, and her legs were not. With one swift flick of his wrist, her panties were around her knees and her cute little bottom was right where he wanted it.
He rubbed her white flesh, thinking that it wouldn’t be white for long as he intended to make this a well and thorough spanking.
“Why did you ask me to spank you, Rosa?” he asked, and she looked back at him surprised. He guessed she wasn’t expecting to be having a conversation in this position, but Lucas knew it would be the first of many they would have like this. In his opinion, it was one of the best ways to have a conversation.
“I’m waiting,” He told her with a sharp slap to her right bottom cheek.
“Ow, Ow, Okay, Um…Because I felt like I should be punished for spending a lot of money without asking you-even though it wasn’t a rule!” He spanked again just as she got to the end of her explanation, and she shrieked the last part.
He brought his hand down hard twice in rapid succession, and smiled in satisfaction as he watched a pink handprint color her creamy skin.
“And, why did you think you should be punished for something that wasn’t a rule?” He rubbed the skin where the handprint rose up, marveling at how warm it already was after just a few swats. It would be getting much, much warmer before they finished.
“Because I was inconsiderate, and I caused you embarrassment, and I hate disappointing you.” Rosa mumbled into the bedcovers.
“That’s’ right. That’s why we are going to be making it a rule. So that this does not happen in the future. If it does, there will be clear consequences.” He began to spank again, raining down blows across her fleshy bottom crease. He kept an even tempo, with no regular pattern until he heard her begin to weep softly. He knew it was more from emotion than pain at this point, but it meant she was getting the release she needed.
He paused, and began to speak, occasionally punctuating his words with a sharp swat across the top of her thighs, causing her to gasp in pain.
she was getting the release she needed.
He paused, and began to speak, occasionally punctuating his words with a sharp swat across the top of her thighs, causing her to gasp in pain.
Want to know more about Rayanna?
LOL!!! Thank you Kallista!
ReplyDeletealthough it looks like the copy and paste function did a little mess up towards the bottom of the excerpt. or maybe it was a mess up on my end of the doc...I'll have to look into that!